“Then children were being brought to him in order that he might lay his hands on them and pray. The disciples spoke sternly to those who brought them, but Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and do not stop them, for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.””
Do you know the expression, “kid at heart”? It could be an important one to keep in mind this time of the year. On September 10th, we are rallying together to begin a new year of faith formation! On Rally Day, we celebrate the ways we equip young people to have a relationship with God. At Bethany we have Sunday School and Confirmation programs that meet the needs of students ages 4-15. But that is by no means where faith formation stops.
We know that God walks alongside us our whole life. From the cradle to our deathbed and beyond, we are accompanied by a God who loves us beyond measure. It’s the great and mysterious confession of our faith that Jesus is the good news of God’s love for all people! Faith formation is a means through which we can acquire tools and friends to ask the hard questions of our life and our faith.
Where is God when the person I love most in the world dies? (God is crying with you. You are not alone in grief.)
Am I good enough? Have I done enough for God’s love? (Yes. You don’t have to do anything for God’s love.)
But what about when I have a hard time believing it’s true?
But what does it mean for me to live as a disciple of Jesus?
Did the unicorns just not make it on the ark? (I wonder?)
Following Jesus changes everything about our life. It’s not easy. It’s often challenging and frustrating. Yet, Jesus beckons, “Let the children come to me!” We are all, big and small, invited to go to Jesus with wonder and curiosity! Worship, Bible studies, retreats, and fellowship give us opportunities to wonder and to form our faith. It may not always give answers, but better questions. It may not solve our problems, but it may comfort us in our suffering.
We celebrate faith formation not only for young people but for all people. It’s a lifelong journey. I challenge you to try something new this year. Try a Bible study or a retreat. Volunteer with a new group. Try serving sometime in worship - we always need more help. Try something new. God’s world is big and God’s love is even bigger. There’s much to learn and much to explore.
Jesus says, “To such as these, the kingdom of heaven belongs.” Stay curious, beloved people!
Pastor Lily
Click here to learn more about faith formation opportunities this fall!
All are welcome to worship with us!
Worship with us on Sunday mornings at 10:45 a.m. in-person, or worship remotely via Facebook Live, AM600, or FM93.5.