Bethany Lutheran Church was originally founded in 1879 as the Swedish Evangelical Lutheran Church, located on land given by Nels Ludington of Chicago’s Ludington Lumber Company. The current church building was built in 1912 and, with some renovations along the way, still stands tall today! This “virtual museum” serves to provide insight into Bethany’s history for members and non-members alike.
Don Aronson (2000)
as told by don aronson
Take a listen to this fascinating 1999 recording in which Bethany’s former organist, Don Aronson, outlines 120 years of Bethany history in 20 minutes!
Pastors of Bethany
Bethany Lutheran Church has been served by 16 pastors throughout its history. Take a look through this gallery to see them all!
Dr. C. Albert Lund
Bethany highlights
Read through a timeline of some of our church’s most notable events.
Historical Gallery
Look through photos and documents from our church’s past.