Alleluia! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!
During the Easter season we greet each other in worship with this celebration of what God has done through Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit, through the resurrection, breathes new life into all of creation. What we believe was dead, what we believe was withered, and without hope is new. Jesus is not dead. Jesus is alive!
When Jesus’ two friends, Mary and Mary, were at the tomb that morning they expected to honor their friend in death. Instead they meet an angel who offers them comfort, “Do not be afraid.” We don’t often think of Easter as a scary season. But, how unsettling must have been to go to the tomb, and to find it empty. What happened? Where is the body? Where is our friend?
This new life promised to us in Jesus’ resurrection changes everything and it is terrifying. Change is scary. Newness is scary. What is unknown and unexpected is scary. Scary is okay. It is okay to be afraid of this new life around us.
“Go and tell.”
As they return from the tomb, the Marys encounter Jesus on the road. He comforts them, “Do not be afraid.” and gives them this command. “Go and tell.”
It is okay to be afraid of what change might mean. It is okay to wonder and to be a little bit skeptical of what this new life might mean. Jesus comforts us in our anxiety. Where Jesus comforts, Jesus also guides. The news of the resurrection is here and now. The world needs to know just what God’s love can do. The world needs to know that the old has passed away and that new life emerges.
The world needs to know God’s promise of hope. It’s blooming all around us. Go and share this good news with all the world!
Easter is a season of fifty days. Maybe you want to adopt a spiritual practice for these fifty days. Try noticing signs of a sign of new life around you each day. Are the daffodils popping up through the snow? Did you see a neighbor do something kind and life-giving for someone else? Make a note of the ways Jesus’ resurrection changes our world.
Can you hear Jesus calling out to comfort and to guide? Go and tell someone about it.
Alleluia! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!
Pastor Lily