In our house, we have a monthly finance meeting. Yes, Alex and I call our conversations about our household budget finance meetings. Any member of the household can call a finance meeting to talk about anything. While the meeting agenda can be flexible, our rules of procedure are not.
Rule #1) Finance meetings are allowed to last up to 15 minutes.
Rule #2) Bring a refreshing drink to the finance meeting. Whether it be hot tea or a favorite beer, we come to the meeting with hydration.
We like to keep it light. Household finances can be stressful conversations. Planning for your future financially can be scary and be filled with uncertainty. Money is not our favorite thing to talk about, but in these conversations, we have developed a spiritual practice for ourselves. We ask ourselves, “Where are we giving our money?”
As people, called by God through the waters of baptism, it’s as important of a question as, “How much money will we spend on food?” or “What work does the house need next year?” How do we live out our calling to love our neighbor, serve God, and welcome all people through our financial habits? Everything we have, whether it feels like too little or too much, comes from God. We are stewards of these gifts. How do we steward God’s generosity in our lives?
Perhaps your household doesn’t have finance meetings. What time do you take to sit down with yourself or with your family to reflect on your role as stewards of God’s generosity? Our stewardship verse for reflection this season comes from Matthew 6:21.
“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
The treasure of our time, talent, and resources guide our devotion, passion, and care. Where is God calling you? Where do your gifts align with the needs of our world? I encourage you to ask some of these questions as you go about your day-to-day life. From making household budgets to grocery shopping to picking up kids from school: how is God’s generosity present in your life?
Pastor Lily
All are welcome to worship with us!
Worship with us on Sunday mornings at 10:45 a.m. in-person, or worship remotely via Facebook Live, AM600, or FM93.5.