The New Year brings with it an orientation to beginnings. Phrases to the tune of, “a fresh start” or “new year, new me” can be found all around. They ring with a desire to live the year to the fullest, to pick up new hobbies, and to achieve new goals. 2023 offers us an opportunity for growth and change. A new calendar year gives us permission to let go of the weight of the former and to be hopeful about new opportunities. January is a month ripe with anticipation and expectation.
January reminds me of baptism. Baptism promises us the grace to let go and to let die those things that wish us ill. Shame, grief, regret, and despair drown in baptismal waters. These are the old things which can be left behind. In these same waters, through Christ, God raises us to those things that provide life, healing, and wholeness. That’s the work of God. It doesn’t happen each year, but every moment of our life.
In the month of January, we will emerge from the wonder of the Christmas story to hear the tales of Jesus’ early ministry. In the next weeks we will hear about Jesus’ own baptism and the start of his own ministry. In just a few short weeks our readings go from the manger, to the waters of the Jordan, to the calling of the first disciples. These stories ground us in the hope and excitement of new beginnings. Like Magi following the star to the manger, we go out into the world to see what God is up to here and now.
On January 29th, our annual meeting will take place. We will look at the year of ministry behind us: a year of new beginnings. We opened a Free Store, our parsonage became the Recovery Home, and we began our ministry together. And we will look to the year ahead of us. A year of learning and discernment. What kind of beginnings does God have in store for Bethany Lutheran in Escanaba in the year 2023? Where does God call us to see new life at work? Where do the waters of baptism beckon us to serve on our own journeys of discipleship?
All of us are here in this place, by the grace and the call of God. In 2023, on our little corner in Escanaba, God calls us together, and sends us out into the world for the sake of the Gospel. We are disciples, being called by Jesus to bear witness to God making all things new through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Where is God calling you in your life in the year 2023?
Pastor Lily
All are welcome!
Worship with us on Sunday mornings at 10:45 a.m. in-person, or worship remotely via Facebook Live, AM600, or FM93.