This year, our February 17th Ash Wednesday Service will be livestreamed at 6:30 p.m. on our Facebook page. The service will also be carried for the first time on FM radio. At 6:30 p.m., tune in to KOOL 105.5 FM.
Because of the pandemic and considering the safety of both Pr. Terry and congregants, we will not be doing individual imposition of ashes. We will have packets of ashes available for pick-up so that each person/family will be able to impose ashes during the online worship service. We will include instructions and a prayer with each packet.
Our service will also include the sharing of Holy Communion. Prepackaged kits containing the wafer and wine will be available. When picking up your Lenten packet, please let us know who many in your household will be taking communion during the Ash Wednesday worship service.